The chapter for this week is about living as if you know life is fragile. God is in /complete/ control of your life. He decides when you die, and He could take your life at /any/ moment. There is nothing you can do about that.
In addition, life is all about God. God created life, God sustains life, God controls what happens in life, God chooses when to end life. He is the Almighty Creator, ruler over all He has made. He is perfect, holy, righteous, true, just, and worthy of our obedience.
But God is also love. He loves each and every one of us, His creation, no matter what we do. He /wants you/ to be in a relationship with Him, and talk to Him as your Father. He loves you so much that He sent His only Son to die on the cross for your sins, so that you can spend eternity with Him. And when you are in a right relationship with God, He will give you /joy/. That will cause you to want to obey Him more, which will lead to more joy.
In light of all this, you will want to spend your life living for God and not yourself. Since life is all about God, why would you want to make it about yourself? You could die at any moment. Live like you believe that. And let your moments be caught up in doing things for God, who loves you.
This convicted me, because far too often I'm focused on myself. I'm worried about what I need to do, when I need to be places, how I'm going to accomplish certain tasks, and what people think of me. So caught up with my life! It's like the illustration in Crazy Love about a guy who was an extra for a movie. The back of his head was in one scene for 2 seconds, yet he bought out a theater so all his friends could see the movie about him.
Life is not about me! Yet often I live like it is. I need to pay more attention to how I spend my time, living with a God-ward focus. By God's grace, I can do this.
Sorry for all that rambling.
On a less serious note, we had an engagement party for Anna and Andrew on Sunday. Here are a few pictures.
Sorry this is blurry, but I love the facial expressions. :)
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