Wednesday, August 28, 2013

New View

My views on the "Christian life" have been changing a lot recently. Since I've been attending different churches and hearing different ideas on theology, I've felt more free in my faith than I ever have. I never thought that there was any way to view theology other than the way that I've been taught growing up. But I now know otherwise. Here are a few quotes from the various churches that I've been to recently, that really helped me change my perspective.

"You don't need a list of rules to tell what's right or wrong. Just love God and love people, and you will end up doing the right thing." .......I've been living as if I am bound up by rules and regulations, thinking I absolutely have to do this and that and the other thing in order to glorify God. But really it is much more simple. All I need do is love God and love people, and God will show me what I need to do to bring Him glory. This is incredibly freeing! :)

"Christianity demands an elasticity of the mind. It should never be like concrete. Make a place for spontaneity. What God requires and what God accepts are sometimes very different." .....For me, this means that I am no longer obligated to believe the same things all the time. I am perfectly free to change how I think about certain things. And it's alright to have contrasting views from other people; not everyone has to believe the same exact things in every area of Christianity!

I now feel more free to love and accept /everyone/, no matter what, because that's what Jesus did. He ate with sinners and loved on sinners, and did not care what others thought about His doing that. Jesus came to be a friend of sinners, not to impose rules and regulations on them to make their lives more difficult. I read in a book recently that the probable reason why sinners don't like Christians is because Christians tell them that they have to obey all sorts of rules in order to please God. God is not looking for slaves, He is looking for people to love like He loves His Son. Our God is love!

(I know some of you might not agree with what I wrote, but it's ok. I'm just writing what God has been kind enough to teach me. I am not here to get in a debate/argument with anyone.)    

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