Monday, November 18, 2013

A few life lessons

God has placed some pretty amazing people in my life. I definitely don't deserve to have so many wonderful friends and family, who genuinely care about me. I've learned quite a few valuable lessons from them (even from simply watching the way they live), and I have benefited from their advice more than once. Here are just a few examples.

If you think about one particular circumstance excessively, you'll start to focus more and more on that, and it can lead to anxiety or feeling overwhelmed. Just relax and try to focus on Jesus. -Thomasson

Ask yourself if this is from God. Sometimes God lets you go through something hard so that later on you can help others who are going through the same thing. -Josiah

There's nothing wrong with randomly breaking into song or dancing, no matter where you are. -Jessie

You can make time for the people you care about, even when you are slightly overwhelmed by your busy schedule. -Cara

If you listen to the advise of those wiser that you and truly want to grow, you /can/ change. Stop telling yourself that you can't! -Marissa

You are going to be okay. -multiple people

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