Thursday, February 5, 2009


Last night at M28 care group, we discussed chapter 4 in the book Worldliness. It was really good.

"Coveting is replacing our delight in God with joy in stuff... It's choosing earthly trinkets over eternal treasure. Covetousness chains the heart to things that are passing away. When we seek happiness in stuff, we find that no amount of it makes us happy."

I think it's sad how quickly I can go from being excited about a new purchase to being discontent with what I have and wanting something else. The things of this world really do not satisfy. But there is One who does satisfy.

"If covetousness chains the heart to what's passing away, the gospel is the key that frees the heart to seek what never passes away. Covetousness may be powerful, but it's no match for a benevolent Savior."

"If you measure your riches through what Christ did at Calvary - God's wrath appeased, your sin atoned, your soul redeemed - you're immediately transformed into the richest of the rich. Grace moved Christ to become poor so we could become wealthy. When the gospel gets big, covetousness becomes weak. Fill your affections with the cross of Christ and you will find no room for sin."

"The Son of Man is to be cherished above all because He came to reconcile sinners to God through His atoning sacrifice, to deliver us out of bondage into eternal life with Him, and to display His glorious reign through a people of His own possession. To value Him and celebrate His worth is not just important, it's the whole point."

How can I value possessions above my Savior? He brings me so much more joy than the things of this earth! Really, as long as I have Christ, nothing else matters. He is all I need!

I hope this post made sense. I was kind of jumping around a lot. Sorry if it's confusing.

1 comment:

Hilary Ann said...

Emily, those are great thoughts and excerpts from the book. I especially like the quote you highlighted on Christ being bigger than our covetousness . . . it's no match for Him. How encouraging to think about!